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What Is NDT?


NDT is Non Destructive Testing and employs multiple methods for inspection of manufactured equipment. Industries utilizing NDT include Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Refinery, Aerospace and Aviation and more.


Nondestructive Testing, NDT, utilizes advanced techniques to ensure product reliability without harming the product or hindering its future usefulness. Many different specific testing techniques are used, often in pairs for maximum benefit. Simply put, nondestructive testing technicians are the quality police of the fabrication and manufacturing industry.


Accurate and effective results are highly dependant on the individual technician's skills and qualifications. At JC3-NDT our main focus is ensuring you are equipped with these skills to enter your new career ready to make meaningful impact.

Why JC3 NDT?



Our NDT courses are designed to maximize the student learning experience and propel you towards a successful career. Class structure ensures each student receives personalized attention from real field-trained level III instructors providing the opportunity to work through specific problems in real-time, ensuring you are never left feeling behind.



JC3-NDT is able to tailor classes based on your specific business needs. Whether days, nights or weekend offerings work best for your training needs, we can work around your busy schedule in most cases, at one of our convenient locations or on-site. Call or email today to arrange free consultation to determine how we can best service you.


So, whether you're just entering the field or adding skills to your established NDT career, JC3-NDT is here to help. Your success is our top priority.


Specific Testing Methods Included:



Surface Methods (VT, MT, PT)


VT- Visual Testing includes inspection with the naked eye or with remote or machine assistance.


MT- Magnetic Particle Testing uses magnetic fields induced into a test object to search for and reveal surface breaking and some subsurface voids.


PT- Liquid Penetrant Testing uses a liquid dye, usually red in color, to penetrate voids open to the surface of a variety of test objects.


Volumetric Methods (RT and UT)


RT- Radiographic Testing uses ionizing radiation to penetrate opaque objects and record an image on radiographic film, imaging plates or digital detectors.


UT- Ultrasonic Testing uses high frequency sound waves to penetrate an object and search for voids or imperfections.


UTT- Ultrasonic Thickness Testing uses high frequency sound waves to determine material thickness and corrosion monitoring.

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